Ace Slots Machines Casino 3 App Reviews

42 add

ACE Slot Mashine

Gibt bessere

Ace Slot Maschine

Super spass.....

Ace Slots 3

Great game along with the original and #II!

Slotse chips

Good game but low payouts when you cant afford more coins

Ace Slot Casino 3

Like playing but bonus spin should be in equal portions in better proportion to amount 1x, 2x and 3x as it is too difficult to get 3x.


The bonus spins are unfair. When you clearly land on 2x or 3x you only get the 1x bonus. The bonus spins are a lie!

Very entertaining

This set of games are very entertaining. I do wish the winnings were higher!!!


Enjoy this game... Relaxing


It crashes please fix its a great game though

Not bad

Not bad


This is a fun game but you never can really win. They give you $10 in tiny bucks every minute so you dont lose either. It is fun to pass the time with.

Slot Casino 1, 2, & 3

I really like the games but they each crash when I get the bonus round. And after playing all your chips and then hitting the bonus, that should be a good thing, but it never takes you to the bonus, instead it shuts down. When you go back in, it starts you over again and doesnt even give you your bonus round. So now you have lot all your chips and you have lost your bonus round which could have been a means to get some of your chips back. I have stopped playing as much as I use to because of his. Please fix it...


Its ok ( :


I love this game


One of the best slot games out there


Its a game for the lonely. Something to do.


Very fun cant put it down

Beverly rudat

Game is fun to play rate at a five

Fun but frustrating

Fun game but payout is low and bonus rounds infrequently work!!!!! Thinking of deleting! Too frustrating and isnt something you can play for a long period of time due to payout!

eh...its ok!

Tons of funnier games out there, and when u run out of money on this, your re-up is like 1 buck a day. But hey. Its free right. Now. Im gonna go make a grilled cheese sandwich and beat the cat!

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